As ministers and collaborators with our diocesan Bishop, we hold an abiding respect for each human being, and we endeavor to make our parishes, schools, pastoral centers, offices, and all of our ministries safe environments for everyone, especially our children and young people. As a Church family, we also reach out to those who have been victimized in any way by representatives of the Church and offer spiritual and pastoral assistance for their healing and restoration.
How to report to civil authorities:
Child Abuse Hotline: 1-800-252-5400
Other states may use 512-834-3784 to report abuse or neglect that has occurred in Texas.
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services website:
Your local law enforcement
The first obligation of our Church with regard to victims of sexual abuse is that of healing and reconciliation.
The Bishop of the Diocese of Beaumont has appointed a qualified person to coordinate assistance for the immediate pastoral care of the victim and the victim’s family.
The Victim Assistance Coordinator is:
Ms. Lori Chassee obtained a bachelor’s degree from the University of Albuquerque, New Mexico with a specialty in Criminology and Sociology. She worked for 27 years as a criminal investigator, specializing in crimes against children. Ms. Chasse wrote the original program model for co-located Child Advocacy Center interventions which has become a national model. She has been a natinal trainer in child abuse interventions and was the Executve Director of the Child Advocacy Center of Kane County, Illinois for 12 years providing and receiving specialized training in crisis intervention, trauma reduction in victims, interviewing victims of abuse among many other topics. Ms. Chassee has been the Victim Assistance Coordinator for the Diocese of Joliet, Illinois for twelve years and performs a similar function for Christian Brothers Midwest.
“To report an allegation of abuse or mishandling of allegations of sexual abuse by a bishop please contact the Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service at or call (800) 276-1562.
The Catholic Bishop Abuse Reporting Service will receive and relay those reports to the proper Church authorities for investigation. Where a report includes a crime, such as the sexual abuse of a minor, it will also be reported to civil authorities. Otherwise, reports will be kept confidential.”
Given the restrictions and protocols in place due to the COVID-19 pandemic, all in-person “Protecting God’s Children” (PGC) training sessions for adults are discontinued. New employees and volunteers who must take the initial PGC training may access an online module from Virtus that will fulfill this requirement. Click on the link below to register and begin the initial training.
Virtus Initial PGC Training (in English):
Virtus Initial PGC Training (en Español):
Once you have finished the module, you will be able to print out your certificate of completion. Provide a copy of your certificate to your parish/school/diocesan office, so that your training can be documented and the copy can be placed in the file. Keep a copy for yourself for future use.
NOTE: You are required to complete your initial training within the first 60 days of employment or volunteer service. This training will expire at the end of 5 years, and recertification will be required. You will use the same I.D. and password for both the initial training and the recertification. [If you forget your I.D. and/or password or you need technical assistance, please contact the Virtus helpline at 1-888-847-8870.
Although the Diocese of Beaumont had been providing child sexual abuse awareness training for adults prior to the U.S. Bishops’ 2002 Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, it began a more focused and regular program in October, 2003. At that time the Diocese contracted with VIRTUS® for its PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN Program for adults.
The PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN (PGC) Program educates and trains adults (clergy, religious, teachers, employees, volunteers, and parents) about the dangers of abuse, the warning signs of abuse, the ways to prevent abuse, the methods of properly reporting suspicions of abuse, and responding to allegations of abuse
Oct. 27-28, 2003: A VIRTUS® representative trained a selected group of individuals to be certified facilitators of the PGC Program on the local level. On Oct. 28-29, 2003, the VIRTUS® representative conducted two PGC training sessions for clergy, parish, school, diocesan, and Catholic Charities personnel. During the following year, participants received from VIRTUS® their bi-weekly on-line training bulletins to supplement the PGC seminar.
Beginning Feb. 2004, local certified facilitators began presenting the 3-hour PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN training sessions throughout the diocese for employees, catechists, volunteers, parents, teachers, clergy, and other interested adults. Through Nov. 14, 2004, sixty-six (66) adult training sessions had been conducted.
Beginning Oct., 2004, training specifically for parents/guardians and other adults was being provided in the East Texas Catholic and on the diocesan website, both on the Safe Environment pages. These training articles are designed to provide parents/guardians with more specific language and other tools to help them address personal safety with their children and youth.
Although in the year 2000, the Catholic Elementary Schools‘ Counselor started providing sessions on bullying/teasing and anger management for grades K-8 and sexual harassment sessions for grades 7-8, a more formal sexual abuse awareness & prevention program was implemented in Nov., 2004. To grades 1-3, a “For Pete’s Sake-Tell” lesson/video was presented to teach Okay and not-Okay touches. A “Tricky People” lesson/video was presented to grades 4-6 to teach personal safety and the tricks & lures used against children.
In the Fall of 2005, the parish religious education classes began utilizing the two above-mentioned programs for the same grade levels; however, they were interrupted for many months by Hurricane Rita which struck the Diocese on Sept. 24, 2005. Some parishes were not able to resume classes at all this pastoral year due to damaged facilities.
In the Spring of 2006, our Catholic Schools and most parish religious education classes (grades 7-12), began utilizing the program/video “Breaking the Silence” (produced by the Diocese of Orange, CA). This program helps teens to recognize the grooming techniques used by abusers, inappropriate adult behavior, and the widespread myths about sexual abuse. It also encourages reporting sexual abuse to authorities.
Supplementing the above, the pamphlet “Keeping Kids Safe” was distributed to the parents of Catholic school and parish religious education students for use in follow-up parent discussions with their children.
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2006, 4,689 parish religious education students and 1,397 Catholic School students had received safe environment training.
Beginning School Year 2006-2007:
In the Diocese of Beaumont Catholic schools, the sexual abuse prevention program was modified as follows: Grades 1 & 2: “For Pete’s Sake, Tell”; Grades 3 & 4: “Can’t Fool Me!”; Grades 5 & 6: “Tricky People”; and new for Grades 7 & 8: “Called to Protect-for Youth”. “Called to Protect-for Youth” by Praesidium teaches middle and high-school children about boundaries, how to respond if someone tries to violate their boundaries, and how to tell their parents if they or their friend have been abused. This same new program will also be utilized at Msgr. Kelly Catholic High School.
During the fiscal year ending June 30, 2007, 5,491 parish religious education students and 1,025 Catholic School students had received safe environment training.
Every year in the Fall, age-appropriate safe environment training is provided to students in parish religious education classes and in Catholic schools at designated grade levels as they advance through the grades. The training schedule and programs have been modified slightly. In the Fall of 2011, parishes were provided two new training resources/DVD’s (produced by the Diocese of St. Cloud): “Strong Voices-Smart Choices: How to Honor Your Instinct to Stay Safe” for grades 1-5 and “Personal Power: A Gut Check on Safety” for grades 6-8. In 2018, some of the larger parishes were provided an additional program for use with high school students–“Called to Protect-for Youth”
By the end of June, 2012, 32,925 children and youth have received safe environment training in parish religious education programs and in Catholic schools since Nov., 2004. Their training continues every year according to the diocesan schedule.
Each school year beginning 2014, the Elementary School Counselor conducts sessions with the various grades in our elementary Catholic schools on topics such as: real friends, being responsible, self-respect, emotional aggression/bullying, decision making, being trustworthy, helping others.
To address new areas of concern, Virtus® updated its “Protecting God’s Children Program” for adults to include technology and Internet safety, and this revised PGC program has been presented throughout the Diocese of Beaumont since January, 2010. Additional improvements were made in 2014 and 2019.
[Note: Because of the nature and purpose of this training, attendees are to be 18 years old or older.]
Attendance at the initial 3-hr. “Protecting God’s Children” (PGC) training program is required for ALL new full-time and part-time employees in parishes, Catholic schools, diocesan offices & programs, and for ALL clergy (priests and deacons with faculties of the diocese or who minister in the diocese), as well as seminarians and candidates for the permanent diaconate. Part-time employees also include substitute teachers in schools, those working with Vacation Bible School, and those working in summer youth programs (e.g. Youth Convention, Youth Camp).
The only ones exempted from this training are part-time employees who work less than 10 hours per week AND have no access to children or youth. The part-time employee has to meet BOTH of these criteria in order to qualify for the exemption.
In general, new volunteers who have regular access to children and youth at least 10 times per year must attend the initial 3-hr. PGC training program. Other volunteers who must attend the training include those conducting Teen ACTS Retreats, chaperones for the Diocesan Youth Convention or Youth Camp, those assisting with Vacation Bible School, and those who volunteer with similar activities that have concentrated access to children or youth or that involve overnight stays.
Any adult may attend, especially if they foresee volunteering in the future in a ministry that will involve access to children and youth. Parents and other adults are welcome and encouraged to attend.
When must new employees and volunteers attend the PGC training?
New employees and volunteers are required to attend the initial 3-hr. PGC training program within 60 days of their employment date or beginning their volunteer service. Those who procrastinate in fulfilling this requirement may not be allowed access to children and youth until they complete the training.
All who have completed the initial “Protecting God’s Children” (PGC) training must be recertified every 5 years. Click on the link below to register and begin the recertification training. [If you forgot your I.D. and/or password or you need technical assistance, please contact the Virtus helpline at 1-888-847-8870.
Virtus Recertification (in English):
Virtus Recertification (en Español):
Once you have finished the module, you will be able to print out your certificate of completion. Provide a copy of your certificate to your parish/school/diocesan office, so that your training can be documented and the copy can be placed in the file. Keep a copy for yourself for future use.
When your recertification is about to expire, you will be contacted by Virtus through e-mail. They will send you a link to the next recertification module that you are to complete as soon as possible. As explained in the preceding paragraph, print out your certificate of completion and provide a copy ….
USCCB – Office of Child and Youth Protection
Handouts for R. Farley’s Virtus Presentations
Statements on: Right Conduct, USCCB Audits, Survey Statistics (Bishop’s Emeritus Guillory Page)
Making the Internet Safer for Children & Families
Technology Safety Through the Eyes of Faith” at
Ethical & Responsible Conduct Policies (pdf)
Normas de Conducta de Ética y Responsabilidad (pdf)
Acknowledgement of Receipt/Understanding (English & Spanish) (pdf)