Christians, Muslims must promote love, friendship, Vatican says By Carol Glatz
VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Christians and Muslims are called to counter a culture of hate and, instead, promote love and friendship between people, said the leaders of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue.
"A world where justice, peace, fraternity and prosperity reign pleases the Almighty and brings joy, calling, therefore, for our sincere and shared engagement," the Vatican officials said.
In a message wishing Muslims a peaceful and fruitful month as they fast during Ramadan and a joyful celebration of Eid al-Fitr when Ramadan is over, the officials focused on Christians and Muslims being "promoters of love and friendship."
The message signed, by Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso, prefect, and Msgr. Indunil Janakaratne Kankanamalage, secretary, was released by the Vatican March 24, the day after the Ramadan fast began.
"Peaceful and friendly coexistence faces many challenges and threats: extremism, radicalism, polemics, disputes and religiously motivated violence," the dicastery's message said.
The threats, it said, "are fueled by a culture of hate. We need, then, to find the most appropriate ways of countering and overcoming such a culture, enhancing instead, love and friendship, in particular between Muslims and Christians, due to the bonds that unite us."
Unfortunately, it said, "suspicion, fear, rivalry, discrimination, exclusion, persecution, polemics, insults and backbiting" are just a few of the many negative attitudes and behaviors shown toward those who are different.
"Social media platforms are common spaces for such harmful behaviors, perverting their role from being means for communication and friendship to being instruments for enmity and fighting," it said.
Some positive attitudes and behaviors include: "respect, goodness, charity, friendship, mutual care for all, forgiveness, cooperation for the common good, help to all those who are in any kind of need and care for the environment" so that it may be "a safe and pleasant place where we can live together in peace and joy," the message said.
Preventing and countering "the culture of hatred" and promoting a culture of love and friendship also requires "a sound education" in the family, at school, in places of worship and on social media, it said.