Diocese of Beaumont parishioners will soon be able to help their flooded neighbors in Louisiana. Bishop Curtis J. Guillory is asking each parish and mission to have special collections for the flood disaster. These collections will take place at every mass on the weekends of Aug. 28 and Sept. 4. Bishop Guillory said “The needs are great and the sooner the Diocese of Beaumont is able to send monies to assist families in rebuilding their lives, homes and communities, the suffering from displacement and total loss will be alleviated.
According to the Red Cross the flooding in Louisiana is the worst disaster since Hurricane Sandy. The Advocate said “floodwaters reached 31 percent of the homes in Baton Rouge and the eight surrounding parishes.” The Baton Rouge Area Chamber estimates that 52,896 homes in the area are covered by flood insurance, and that is just half the number of homes that flooded. It was not long ago that Texas saw firsthand the devastation cause by flooding. Texas flood victims also saw the generosity of others at a time when it was urgently needed. Bishop Guillory thanks parishioners for their cooperation in this act of mercy and fellowship.
Tags: Bishop, collections, Curtis J. Guillory, English, flooding, louisiana, This Just In