Services: The Fiscal Officer is responsible for all matters affecting the temporal goods of the diocese. These include accounting, insurance (property, liability, health, etc.), retirement plans, real property, purchasing, and any other matters relating to the finances of the diocese.
Key Dates 2024-25
2022-2023 Annual Report
Parish/Mission Finance Council Guidelines
Special Collection Schedule 2024
Special Collection Schedule 2025
2024 Mileage Rates
The Office of Accounting is responsible for: all diocesan accounting and records; accounts receivable from parishes and from the annual appeal; accounts payable to all vendors; and reconciling all diocesan accounts. This office is also responsible for parish school accounting and reporting.
The Parish and School Accounting Department provides support to Pastors, Principals, Bookkeepers and other staff members of parishes and schools on the daily operations and activities of the office and the various ministries of the parish and school. This Department also provides an accounting service, the Multi-Parish Accountant (MPA) Program, to numerous locations within the Diocese. The MPA Program provides services of which include processing accounts payable, payroll and recording deposits; analyzing monthly financial statements; providing guidance on office procedures; providing financial guidance to pastors/principals/ finance councils; providing guidance on policies and procedures of the Diocese
The Risk Management Office is responsibility for overseeing property, liability, worker’s compensation and auto claims for the Diocese of Beaumont. Additionally works closely with the Diocesan CFO and Construction Director on all aspects of parish plants.