Bishop Most Rev. David L. Toups, S.Th.D.
[email protected]
Administrative Assistant
Larissa Martinez
[email protected]
As the vicar of Christ in the diocese entrusted to his care, the Bishop carries out his threefold ministry as teacher of doctrine, a priest of sacred worship, and a minister of governance. He has all the ordinary, proper, and immediate power required for the exercise of his pastoral office. As sanctifier, the Bishop is the principal dispenser of the mysteries of God; and he moderates, promotes, and guards the liturgical life of his diocese; and leads his people to holiness. As the chief teacher, he is called to preserve and transmit the authentic gospel of Christ. His teaching responsibility is a pastoral one, grounded in his role as a leader who serves the unity and growth of faith of the ecclesial community. As vicar and legate of Christ, the Bishop governs by his counsel, exhortation, and example, as well as by the authority and sacred power which he exercises for the spiritual development of his people. He has sacred right and duty before the Lord of legislating for and of passing judgment on those he governs, as well as regulating everything that concerns the good order of divine worship and the apostolate. As administrator, he is charged with the responsible stewardship of the temporal goods of the diocese, which are ordered to the divine worship, charity, and the apostolate.
Statement on updated protocols for face coverings
Bishop Toups' COVID update-August 21
Bishop Toups' COVID update-August 21 (Spanish)
Bishop Toups announces Clergy Changes
Celebrating our Re-Birth at Pentecost
Letter and decree lifting general dispensation-April 23
Welcome Back Flyer-Vigil of Pentecost
Carta y Decreto que levanta la Dispensación de la obligaciónde asistir a la misa dominical de manera presencial.